For BattleField 3.40, I have made a few small changes, and would like to elaborate on some of the older features of the game that perhaps weren’t explained well enough the first time around.
Older Features (not explained well previously):
For a multiline BBS, you can setup the game just as on a normal BBS, and run one copy per BBS. This is accomplished by having separate folders for each BBS, yet only one data files folder for the game. You're running two copies of the game that operate on the same data files. Make sure you click the "multiline BBS" option in the setup -- this will take care of any contention problems automatically. One person only will be able to play using the data files, eliminating any "I played at the same time that Joe did. I left first, and all of my changes disappeared!" complaints. Play with it if you don't understand.
New Things:
There isn’t all that much that is new. I have made it so that the game will reset when a user attains level 33, which is a fantastic number. The major item that I have added, however, is the ability to run multiple copies of the game on your bbs system. You may, at your discretion (and mine) run as many copies of BattleField on your BBS as you wish. Let me explain.
Previously, there was only one options file per BBS (provided you were a single line BBS, and not running multiple copies of the bbs program, hence multiple folders/options files), which effectively limited you to one copy of the game per BBS. I have made it so that you now have the option of numbering the "current" BattleField application.
But, how do I *DO* it?
There is a new field in the setup dialog, "Game Copies", which reflects the number of the current copy. DO NOT TOUCH THIS FIELD IF YOU PLAN ON RUNNING ONLY ONE COPY!!!!!! The game is pre-setup to run one copy -- no messing necessary. If you, however, have contacted me about getting an authorization for another copy, click on game copies. A small dialog will pop up with "Game Copy" and "Authorization" titling two edit fields. Type in the number of the current copy (I'll explain more on this later), and the authorization number, and click "ok". If the authorization is correct, the current application will be the number that you typed in. Proceed to fill out the setup exactly as you would normally, EXCEPT make TWO folders for the files path -- one for each game. Each application will have it's number to tell it which it is, and which options file represents it's setup.
Looking back, I think I've made this more complicated than it is. The following example should help.
Your current setup is: (using the default docs for setup)
BBS Program
BattleField Folder
Data Files
The BattleField
BattleField Options
Where each indention represents the "inside" of a directory. After setting up a second copy, you should have something close to this:
BBS Program
BattleField Folder 1
Menu Set 1
Data Files 1
The BattleField 1
BattleField Options1
BattleField Folder 2
Menu Set 2
Data Files 2
The BattleField 2
BattleField Options2
By setting the number in the setup dialog, you tell each copy which it is. By default, normal setup defines the first copy. (copy 1) With authorization, you tell the application that you're running multiple copies, and that its options file is "BattleField OptionsN", where N is the copy that you're currently working on.
I hope I have made this clear. If not, look at the end of this document for my phone number, and DIAL QUICK!
Quick Setup:
I haven't really spelled out how to setup multiple copies of the game.
To setup a "new" copy (meaning you're starting from scratch), follow the directions in the documentation. It's pretty straightforward.
To setup a second copy, make a copy of your reg file (you'll have your reg file if you have the authorization number) and your BattleField data files folder. Use this as your second game. You may go in later and reset the game to make it completely "unique" if you wish. Setup the game as normal, using the new data files folder as your files path. Then click on game copies, and type in the number of this copy, along with the authorization. If it succeeds (it'll tell you if it didn't work), the second copy will be setup just like the first, except they're completely different games.
AAARRRRGHH! I don't understand, but would like to setup another copy!
Then give me a call:
Greg Shaw
(303) 361-6857 (voice)
(303) 361-6965 (data)
Voice will be faster -- I am always willing to help.
But data is also reliable.
The BIG question: How MUCH is an authorization?
For the $20.00 fee, you get an authorization to run as many copies as you wish. I would think that two or possibly three would be appropriate for most BBS systems.
Any questions? Call the above number. I'm always glad to hear from "my" SysOps.